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● Live • 5:27 PM

She's mine! You stay away from her, it's not her time. 'Cause, baby, I'm the one who haunts her dreams at night... 1M users watching live
............................ (ꐦ𝅒_𝅒) 🗯 !?
hey nerds, i’m ben !! i’m 20 years old, i use he/him and they/them pronouns :D i’m autistic ១ i speak english but i'm learning japanese! i'm a ♉︎ taurus, i'm an INTJ-T dude
.upside down. timezone: aest/aedt. i'm usually on in the evenings and i'll check socials in the early morning before work too. if we are friend's you would like to contact me outside of amino please ask for my discord :) |
.well. howdy hey gremlins, tis ben's carrd! ben isn't my actual name, it's corey, but my friend's started calling me ben as a reference to a youtuber i like and her boyfriend ben (simplynailogical). if we are good friends i'd prefer you call me corey <3 and, well, it's pretty obvious at this point but i love vocaloid and manga/reading in general! hatsune miku and otomachi una are my babies <3 in my spare time outside of work i'm a freelance writer, i have written a few popular novels and i can't say any more than that for legal stuff ;) i'm also a huge metalcore fan, i love rock and emo music a lot and my all time favourite band is polaris and pierce the veil! their music is simply divine! i may be 20 but i've returned to my nightcore phase (and NO i do not mean the sped up music holy shit) |
.games. yes this gets its own section. i am a huge gamer lol. i have played so many games at this point my brain is fried. i regularly play overwatch (mercy, ana, kiriko, dva, junkerqueen, mei, sym) and also valorant (main kj and reyna, but can also play viper, sage, astra and skye). jett and phoenix are fun to troll on, and sometimes i will try out omen if i'm goofy. i play a lot of steam and DS/switch games, especially visual novels and otome. but outside of that, i really enjoyed playing games such as bloons, dbd, inscryption, overcooked, idol manager, bad end theatre, cult of the lamb, our life, phasmophobia, muse dash, bandori, love live, raft and lots more! if you ever wanna play or chat about these games especially val or ow, just ask meeee <3 |

≡ I Love Them
.MOST IMPORTANT. killjoy chad chad១ ayrun១ jrm simplynailogical ១ otzdarva
.૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა♡. corpse ១ bts ១ ptv ១ stray kids ១ paramore ១ evanescence ១ papa roach ១ system of a down
.OTHERS. p!atd ១ fall out boy ១ bo burnham ១ mother mother ១ the offspring ១ muse ១ arctic monkeys ១ maneskin
Likes ✓
animals, cats - sweets, chocolates - video games - books - writing - ham and cheese toasties - editing, drawing - twitch, youtube - anime, manga - cooking

Dislikes ✗
DNI if you are homophobic, racist, sexist, ableist, transphobic, 13 years or younger, roleplay, dream/dsmp fan, anything freaky along those lines :)